Letter From The President
Dear Friend In Christ,
Over the past decade of missionary involvement to the Carribean Island of Haiti, it has been my observation that a great need exists for a vehicle which would allow members of the Body of Christ, to carry out the scriptural mandate of missions.
There are currently many organizations involved in missionary activities, however, there are contingencies which determine whether an applicant is or is not accepted for missionary service.
The Scriptures do not set any guidelines for contingencies but encompasses in its mandate, all who believe in Jesus Christ and confess Him as Lord.
Project WORD Foundation, was incorporated in the state of Pennsylvania, on July 22, 2002 as a non-profit, private organization with a Board of Directors.
It has as its objectives, the tasks of assisting individuals, churches, ministries and organizations to complete the God given assignment of
"...Go ye therefore, and teach all nations...." (Matthews 28:19a)
and to co-labor with other individuals, churches, ministries and organizations in accordance with the mission and vision of this organization.
God bless you as you prayerfully consider your response to us.
In His Service,
Joanava McDaniel, RN, BA
Founder and President